Leo: Zodiac Series (Original)

Leo: Zodiac Series (Original)
If you are a leo, you get the essence of this composition.
Large beastly roar with a loyal vulnerable core.
Mixed media artwork: Inks and acrylics.
40” x 54” Repurposed canvas.
This is a self-portrait. I am a Leo, who shares her birthday with
World Lion Day. I identify deeply with lions, their resilient regal
poise, their resonant roars that can be heard across the Serengeti
and felt in every cell, their fierce loyalty and affection for their
pride, and their communicative, expressive nature. I have had
many close encounters in the bush wild with lions, some vividly
frightening experiences but the two most magical moments were
1. locking eyes with a three year old male we had tagged, and
having him stare right back into the depths of my being. You see,
when you come upon a lion on foot during the day, you don’t run,
you stand your ground, lock eyes with the big cat and blink
consciously to establish that you are not a threat. 2. Being
surrounded by a pride on the prowl at night, and waking up in my
tent only to be inhaled in by a lioness through the tent fabric. I
spent that night breathing with the lion in order to reduce my fear
drenched pheromone output. Fortunately they ravenously
slaughtered two wildebeests right behind my tent, commotion
that I could not make sense of at 3 am, that were explained to me
when I woke up to the uplifting scent of herbivore carcasses.