Sagittarius: Wild Mustang

Sagittarius: Wild Mustang
48” x 36”
Mixed Media Artwork
My most cherished co-conspirators have invariably been
Sagittarius. I revel in their unbridled exploratory, spontaneous
spirit, an electric frequency that I have otherwise only sensed in
the company of wild mustangs. Encountering these animals that
have not been broken in by human ignorance, showed me just
how far humanity finds expression at the cost of another living
being’s freedom. We dis-empower and strip away a mustang’s
sovereignty, subjugate them and make them servile in order to
claim what was rightfully theirs’- the space and right to be.
Instead of appreciating their inherent nature to run without
boundaries and bonds, we break them in and dull their connection
to life and their own kind, so their true power becomes ours to
wield negligently. Both the sign and species don’t fare well with
domestication, and it is my love of both that inspired me to create
this work.